Parish Newsletter- 21st January 2024

Mass times for the week ahead | MASS INTENTIONS |
Saturday 20th January @7.00pm Clara | Una Hennessey. Paddy & Eileen Fallon. |
Sunday 21st January @10.00am Horseleap | Jimmy Looram. James & Mary Bridget Fox. Annie & deceased of the McCormack family. Fr. Seamus Sheerin |
Sunday 21st January @11.30am Clara | Terry Daniels (Months Memory). Brendan Egan. Brian & Jenny Finley. Everleigh Gaughran. Joseph Bracken. Michael Quinn. |
Tuesday 23rd January @7.30pm Clara | No Intention |
Wednesday 24th January @7.30pm Clara | St. Francis de Sales Pat & Mary Feehan |
Thursday 25th January @10.00am Clara | Conversion of St. Paul, Apostle No Intention |
Friday 26th January @10.00am Clara | Ss. Timothy & Titus Mary Sheridan |
Saturday 27th January @10.00am Clara | St Angela Merici No Intention |
Saturday 27th January @7.00pm Clara | Kathleen Malone. Tom Kinahan. Prin Dignan. Eddie Mitchell |
Sunday 28th January @10.00am Horseleap | Julia Hennessy. Elizabeth Gaynor. Mick & deceased of the Clavin family |
Sunday 28th January @11.30am Clara | Michael & Aggie Mullen |
Please Pray for the souls of Brendan Egan, Westwood Grove; & for Kathleen Bracken, Kilcormac: both recently deceased. R.I.P.
Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist
Come to me all you who labour and are burdened. I will give you peace
Monday & Friday – 5.00-6.00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday – after 7.30pm Mass.
All are welcome!
Sunday of The Word of God.
This Sunday is called the SUNDAY OF THE WORD OF GOD in order to emphasise the role and importance of the Word of God in our lives. Today’s Gospel tell us – ‘The time is fulfilled.’ This is a decisive moment in the life of Jesus. His public ministry is about to begin. Recall turning points in your own life when something new happened and with hindsight you can say the time was ripe for it to happen, ‘the time was fulfilled’. ‘Repent and believe the good news’. Jesus was not preaching a new doctrine, but calling for a change of heart, as a response to the good news of the gospel message. A new way of understanding God leads to a conversion in how we relate to God, a change of heart. A growth in awareness of who we are can lead us to a new level of self-confidence, another change of heart. Can you recall times when ‘good news’ led you to a change of heart? The Spirit of God who was at work in Jesus calling the disciples continues to work in our day and in our lives. That is why the gospel message is one of GOOD NEWS. When has your understanding of the gospel message led you to a different style of life? Who was the ‘Jesus person’ through whom the call came to you? To whom have you been a ‘Jesus person’ in this way?
Clara St. Vincent De Paul Conference would like thank everyone who contributed to their recent Christmas Campaign Collection. Your support is greatly appreciated.
St. Brigid’s Credit Union 56th AGM: Monday 29th January @ 8.00pm in Scouts Den. Free Draw for those in Attendance and refreshments provided. All members welcome.
The Offaly Camino Canal Way Walk and Mass from Tullamore’s Fiona Pender Memorial Way commencing at 9.00am along the Canal to Croghan Hill on St. Brigid’s Bank Holiday, Sunday 4th February. Mass on Croghan Hill @ 2.00pm. Everyone welcome in any capacity or distance to join us at Holy Mass at Croghan Hill. We are looking for people to help raise much needed funds for Self Help Africa. More info and sponsorship cards from Laz Molloy on (086) 677 8807, Ricey Scully (086) 815 3047 or Nora Kavanagh on (087)994 5964, Ronan Scully on (087) 618 9094, or email
On Sunday, January 28th, the Priests and Religious of the Diocese will gather with Bishop Deenihan to celebrate the Blessing of Candles and Evening Prayer in the Cathedral of Christ the King at 4.00pm. This is an annual gathering to celebrate the contribution of religious sisters, brothers and priests to our diocese. All welcome!
This celebration will also mark the 4th anniversary of Bishop Smith’s Ordination as Bishop of Meath. God grant him continued good health!
This Sunday 21st January at 7.00pm, Bishop Deenihan will ordain Anthony Kerr to the Diaconate in Saint Mary’s Church in Drogheda. He will be ordained to the Priesthood next year. We pray God’s Blessing for Anthony and for those who are discerning a call to priesthood and religious life.
Clara Heritage Society, with St. Brigid’s Parishes of Clara invite all to an ecumenical celebration, in honour of St. Brigid, the patron Saint of Clara, on Sunday 4th February @ 12:15pm. Commencing at St. Brigid’s Catholic Church after 11:30 Mass. There will be prayers followed by procession across the Fair Green to St. Brigid’s COI Church for a blessing. The procession will then proceed to Kilbride Abbey, where there will be music, time for reflection, refreshments, chat, and the opportunity to meander through the ancient burial grounds. The journey to the Abbey will consist of a candlelit singing procession, those who are unable to walk in the procession are welcome to join us at Kilbride Abbey for the celebrations.
Scoil Phroinsiais Naofa Clara have commenced enrolments for the 2024/25 school year. Please use the link on the school website
Dates for Your Diary!
Confirmation: Tuesday 9th April
First Holy Communion: Boys School, Clara – Sunday 5th May
Girls School, Clara – Sunday 19th May
Horseleap & Streamstown Schools – Sunday 26th May
Blessings of Graves in Clara & Horseleap – Sunday 2nd June.
Collections for 13th/14th January:
Plate: €615; Development Fund: €1,795; Christmas Offerings: €275; Yearly Offerings: €600.
Thank You!