Parish Newsletter- 17th March 2024

Mass times for the week aheadMASS INTENTIONS
Saturday 16th March @7.00pm
Susan Melia (Month’s Memory). Christina Johnson. Michael, Bridget, Joe & Michael O’Brien. John Naughton. Mary Caffrey. Nora Brennan. Eileen & Peter Scully. Tom Digan.
Sunday 17th March @10.00am
Patrick & Teresa Quinn.
Sunday 17th March @11.30am
Eamonn & Lillian Fleming. Paddy Dolan. George, Annie & Rose Digan. Eilish Ford
Tuesday 19th March @7.30pm
St. Joseph
Denis & Molly Flattery. Kevin Cornally.
Wednesday 20th March @10.00am
St. Anastasius
No intention.
Wednesday 20th March
St. Anastasius
Aoife & Kay Doyle. Terry Colsh. Eamonn McRedmond & deceased of the McRedmond & Keeney families.
Thursday 21st March @10.00am
St. Enda
No Intention
Friday 22nd March @10.00am
St. Basil of Ancyra
No Intention.
Saturday 23rd March @10.00am
No Intention
Saturday 23rd March @7.00pm
Frank Malone. Tom & Frances Naughton.
Sunday 24th March @10.00am
Larry Galvin. Michael Fox.
Sunday 24th March @11.30am
Patricia Hall. Charles & Mary Maloney. Bridie Coady. Gabriel Creagh.

Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist
Come to me all you who labour and are burdened. I will give you peace
Monday & Friday – 5.00-6.00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday – after 7.30pm Mass.
All are welcome!

Please pray for the souls of Philomena Murray, Horseleap/Dublin; for Irene Duffy, Tullamore/Clara;and for Trudy Thomas-Davies, Charlestown: all recently deceased. R.I.P.

If a grain of wheat falls on the ground and dies, It yields a rich harvest!
This week’s Gospel gives us John’s ‘answer’ to the question of Jesus’ suffering and death. Any reader of John’s Gospel will know that it is highly reflective, bringing almost one hundred years of thought and prayer to the questions surrounding the life, death and resurrection of Jesus and the missionary outreach of the Church. At times John’s reflections are condensed and need careful unpacking to get to the intended meaning. However, when it comes to the Cross of Jesus, John’s meaning is not overly complicated. In a single word it can be captured by the word ‘glorified’. Jesus died (and rose again) so that, through him, the Father would be glorified. For John, the entirety of Jesus’ life, every word and act, every parable and miracle, everything leading to his death, resurrection and ascension is a single, unified action of ‘glorification’. There can be no separation of life, death, resurrection and ascension; all of them together bring about the ‘glorification’ of God. Today’s Gospel also shares Johns understanding of where suffering and death fit with a God who is Love. They are, for him, one part of a much bigger work, constantly at play in our lives and in the life of creation. The seed must fall in the ground and die if it is later to produce a harvest. This reality is all around us. It is in the bread we eat, in the wine we drink, in ourselves and in our world.

LIFE IN THE SPIRIT SEMINARS continue in St. Brigid’s Parish Centre, Clara next Thursday night at 8.00pm, with a guest speaker. Enquiries from Kay on (085) 711 4205. Come and be renewed in your Christian Faith!

LIGHT THE FIRE 2024 – Come and join us in Slane on St. Patrick’s Day. 5:00pm. Vespers on the Hill of Slane and Rosary procession to the Church6:00 pm Mass in St Patrick’s Church followed by Eucharistic Adoration. More details on or (041) 983 0441

Why not check out some good things for Lent on the diocesan website;

Join Us on Wednesday night @ 7.30pm in Clara Church for Mass and some Extra Prayer for Lent!

The Chrism Mass at which the Holy Oils for the Sacraments are blessed will take place on Wednesday 27th March at 7.00pm in Mullingar Cathedral. Refreshments afterwards in Mullingar Parish Centre. All Welcome!

25th Pioneer National Ball on Saturday April 6th. Mass at 6.00pm in the Cathedral Mullingar, followed by guest speaker, dinner, music and dancing at the Annebrook House Hotel. For details & tickets contact Dermot (085) 720 1646 or Daisy (087) 654 4626

Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, September 10th, led by Bishop Deenihan. All pilgrims will be accommodated in hotels with 4, 5 and 6 night options with fares starting at €769. Further information and booking forms are available from Joe Walsh tours, or phone (01) 241 0800.

Dates for Your Diary!
Confirmation: Tuesday 9th April
First Holy Communion: Boys School, Clara – Sunday 5th May
Girls School, Clara – Sunday 19th May
Horseleap & Streamstown Schools – Sunday 26th May
Blessings of Graves in Clara & HorseleapSunday 2nd June.

Collections for 9th/10th March:
Development Fund: €1,340; Plate: €1,270; Offerings: €70.
Thank You!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


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