Parish Newsletter- 12th May 2024

Mass times for the week aheadMASS INTENTIONS
Saturday 11th May @7.00pm
Jack & Theresa Kelly. George, Michael & Theresa Robbins.
Sunday 12th May @10.00am
J.J., Mary & Brendan Kelly.
Sunday 12th May @11.30am
Dessie O’Keeffe. Tommy & Mary Gaynor. Margaret Swords. Denis & Justin O’Meara. Donie & Molly Recks. Geraldine Daly.
Tuesday 14th May @7.30pm
St. Matthias, Apostle
No intention.
Wednesday 15th May @7.30pm
No Mass
Thursday 16th May @10.00am
St. Brendan
No Intention
Friday 17th May @10.00am
No Intention.
Saturday 18th May @10.00am
No Intention
Saturday 18th May @7.00pm
Catriona Carroll. James Fleming (Month’s Mind). Joe & MaryAnn Walsh. Andy Hernesssy. Phyllis McGrath
Sunday 19th May @10.00am
Seamus & Deceased of the Robbins family.
Sunday 19th May @11.30am
Girls’ School First Communion
Reese, Thos & Jonathan Rickard.

Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist
Come to me all you who labour and are burdened. I will give you peace
Monday & Friday – 5.00-6.00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday – after 7.30pm Mass to 9.00pm.
All are welcome!

Blessings of Graves will take place 3.00pm in Clara & 4.00pm in Horseleap on Sunday 4th June

Go Out to the Whole World, Proclaim the Good News!
In the preceding verse of today’s gospel, Jesus had rebuked the apostles for their lack of faith. Despite this, he commissioned them to bring the Good News to the whole world. Witnesses to the Good News do not have to be perfect. There is encouragement to us in this. The lockdown during the coronavirus pandemic prompted many to reach out to others in new and welcome ways. To whom have you brought good news? Who has been a messenger of good news to you? Jesus then tells them that their witness will have quite dramatic effects, helping people to overcome demons, bring them peace and healing. Things happen when we have belief in ourselves and in God. Strong faith can enable us to meet and overcome difficulties, in ways that waverers cannot do. Perhaps you have had experience of this? The ascension marked the end of the visible presence of Jesus with the disciples, but he would be with them in other ways. ‘The Lord worked with them’. Sometimes we can experience that death is not the end of the presence of someone significant to us. We can experience the unseen presence and influence of a parent, a friend, or an inspiring leader, after they have died. Has this happened for you? Have you also experienced the hidden presence of the Lord working with you?

Blessings of Graves will take place on Sunday 2nd June at 3.00pm in Clara & at 4.00pm in Horseleap

Life Spirit Seminar, Tullamore Parish for the next 5 weeks. Tuesday @ 6:30pm. Contact Tony Evans (086)190 1693.

Clara Parish Volunteering Sunday on 25th/26th May. Place your gifts and talents at the service of our parish. We need singers, readers, Eucharistic Ministers, collectors, altar decorators, cleaners, youth ministry, etc.. Our parish can only live if people are involved for the good of all.

Fund Raising Concert in Aid of Motor Neuron Disease Association in Clara Parish, Sunday 26th May at 6.00pm. For Tickets  contact (087) 954 4943.

Our One Day Pilgrimage to Lough Derg, Monday 27th May. Please let Fr Seamus Houlihan (090) 648 1951 or Dominique Foley (086) 387 4253 know if you are interested in going. The cost of the retreat is €80 incl. transport.

Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024 on September 10th. All pilgrims accommodated in hotels and there are 4, 5 and 6 night options, with fares from €769. Info & booking from Tel. (01) 241 0800.

Ceili Catholic Community: will run a residential school of evangelisation from September 2024 to May 2025. Information & email: or WhatsApp (087) 978 9150

Dates for Your Diary!
Girls School, Clara – Sunday 19th May
Horseleap & Streamstown Schools – Sunday 26th May
Blessings of Graves in Clara & HorseleapSunday 2nd June.

Collections for 4th/5th May:
Development Fund: 1,465; Plate: 695.
Thank You!


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