Parish Newsletter- 2nd June 2024

Mass times for the week aheadMASS INTENTIONS
Saturday 1st June @7.00pm
Special Intention
Sunday 2nd June @10.00am
All who are buried in Horseleap Cemetery.
Joe Daly (Month’s Mind). Jack Farrell.
Sunday 2nd June @11.30am
All who are buried in Clara Cemeteries
Joe & Theresa Stanley. Joe Slammon. Robbie McCormack. Sonny & Kathleen Tracy.
Tuesday 4th June @7.30pm
St. Charles Lwanga, Martyrs of Uganda
Michael, Mary & Martin Egan.
Billy, Lilly, James, Michael & Tom Kinahan
Wednesday 5th June @7.30pm
St. Boniface
Joe, Nora, Tom, Mollie & Jimmy Newman.
Annie & deceased of the Kennedy family
Thursday 6th June @10.00am
St. Jarlath
No Intention
Friday 7th June @10.00am
The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Mass for all on the Parish List of the Dead
Saturday 8th June @10.00am
Mary & Jack Grennan & deceased of the Grennan Hogan families.
Saturday 8th June @7.00pm
Paddy, Lilly, Billy & Noel (Jnr) Guilfoyle.
Sunday 9th June @10.00am
Bridie Lynam & deceased of the Lynam & Keegan families
Sunday 9th June @11.30am

Joe & Molly Sammon. Theresa & Vincent Kelly. Padraig Geoghegan. Joe, Kathleen, Pat, Anne & Richard Finn

Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist
Come to me all you who labour and are burdened. I will give you peace
Monday & Friday – 5.00-6.00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday – after 7.30pm Mass to 9.00pm.
All are welcome!

Corpus Christi Sunday Celebrates and honours the presence of Jesus Christ’s Body and Blood in the Eucharist.
O Christ, let my greatest delight be to see you loved and your praise and glory proclaimed, especially the honour of your mercy. O Christ, let me glorify your goodness and mercy to the last moment of my life, with every drop of my blood and every beat of my heart. Amen.

Corpus Christi Sunday.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us that to have life we need more than physical nourishment. How have you been aware of deeper hungers? What has met that deeper longing in you? Jesus tells us that it is not just something he gives us which will give us life, but himself in his life, death, and resurrection. How has your faith in the person of Jesus fed you? Jesus speaks about ‘drawing life’ from him. In day to day living what are the practices which support your faith and help you to draw life from Jesus? The Eucharist is one of the ways in which we draw life from Jesus. Recall with gratitude how the Eucharist has been a source of nourishment and life for you. Perhaps you can also think of human examples of people drawing life from one another. From whom have you drawn life? Who has been able to draw life from you?

Prayer Before Exams
Loving God, be with me now as I prepare for my exams.
Thank you for the many talents & gifts you have given me,
and for the opportunity of education. Calm my nerves & anxiety,
Help me to remember all that I have studied, to express it clearly and to answer the questions to the very best of my ability. Holy Spirit, sit with me in my exam – and always.


A Student’s Prayer
Father, please clear my mind and give me the understanding and knowledge that comes from you. Bless me as I take this exam and bring the information that I have studied to mind when it is needed in this exam. Grant me favour as I begin this test. I ask this in Jesus’s name.

Life in the Spirit Seminar, Tullamore Parish for the next 2 weeks. Tuesday @ 6:30pm. Contact Tony Evans for details – (086) 190 1693.

YOUTH MEET & PRAYER GATHERING (+18 years) in St. Ultan’s Church, Bohermeen at 7:30pm Friday 7th June. An opportunity for young adults to join together for adoration, prayer, reflection & discussion assisted with the support and guidance of priests from the diocese and the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal. Share the invite and bring a friend or two. Contact Fr. Mark English for more info: .

Collections for 25th/26th May:
Development Fund: 1,205; Plate: 870; Trocaire:€60.
Thank You!


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