Parish Newsletter- 11th August 2024

Mass times for the week ahead | MASS INTENTIONS |
Saturday 10th August @7.00pm Clara | Liz Hughes (Month’s Mind). Romaine Newman (Month’s Mind). |
Sunday 11th August @10.00am Horseleap | Daniel & Ellen Scally. |
Sunday 11th August @11.30am Clara | Kathleen & Joe Clancy. Mick Slowey. John Kinahan. Paddy & Betty Fitzpatrick. |
Tuesday 13th August @7.30pm Clara | Mary Broughton (Molly Dolan) |
Wednesday 14th August @7.30pm Clara | St. Maxmillian Kolbe. Paddy & Betty Fitzpatrick. Johnny Fitzpatrick |
Thursday 15th August @10.00am Clara | Solemnity of the Assumption Deceased of the O’Reilly & Buckley Families. Margaret & Eamon Flemming |
Friday 16th August @10.00am Clara | St. Stephen of Hungary No Intention. |
Saturday 17th August @10.00am Clara | Our Lady of Knock No Intention |
Saturday 17th August @7.00pm Clara | Sean Heffernan (Month’s Mind). John & Mary Gunning. Pat, Patrick & May Kenny. Margaret, Maurice & Paddy Hill |
Sunday 18th August @10.00am Horseleap | Special Intention. Edward, Kathleen, Moira & Kay Stokes |
Sunday 18th August @11.30am Clara | Colum & Mary Ellen, & Lisa Kane |
Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist
Come to me all you who labour and are burdened. I will give you peace
Monday & Friday – 5.00-6.00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday – after 7.30pm Mass to 9.00pm.
All are welcome!
Please pray for Mary Mills (nee Garvin) Tullamore & late of 47 Marian Square, Clara: recently deceased. R.I.P.
Anyone Who Eats This Bread will Live Forever
In today’s Gospel, we can perceive in Jesus a sense of his own frustration; the inability of some Jews to understand who he is, and a longing to be able to share the wonders of the Kingdom of God with those who are listening to him. The Gospel opens with an explicit reference to ‘the Jews’. St. John is not talking about the ‘people’ who were present in the synagogue, listening to him, but to the ‘Jewish authorities’ who were present. They are the ones who start the ‘grumbling’ against him. They are also the ones who were most knowledgeable about the Law of Moses and the Prophets, and those we expect to understand what Jesus was saying better than anyone else. Yet, they are the grumblers, the rejecters, those who set out to misunderstand what Jesus is saying. What is particularly sad is that these people saw the miracles Jesus worked, they heard his words of wisdom and compassion, they listened to his parables which spoke of a loving and forgiving God, and we are told that ‘they were amazed at his wisdom and wondered where he got it from’ and yet they rejected him, dismissed him, tried to ridicule him in the synagogue. What they saw was a poor, very ordinary, carpenter. Yes, they were prejudiced and proud, but before we rush to condemn, perhaps we should pause and reflect. How frequently, for example, do we look at environmental activists who sometimes break the law, forcing us to look at the damage we are doing to our planet before it is too late, and condemn them with terms like ‘social terrorists’ and ‘extremists.’
At the time of Jesus, the Jewish authorities thought they were protecting the integrity of the Law of Moses from some unknown ‘miracle-worker’ who dared to call them hypocrites and often broke the Law of Moses himself. They were living in dangerous times and had a responsibility to maintain a peaceful relationship with Rome and prevent any danger of outright rebellion. They saw the ‘big picture’ and played with the ‘big boys.’ Yes indeed, better for one man to die than risk a revolution and the destruction of everything! Now, two thousand years later, we see the short-sightedness of their views, and we observe their pride and selfish desire to hold on the power and wealth. It might be wise to learn from history; to pause and look. In another two thousand years, how will history view us and our times? None of us know the answer to that question with any certitude, but it behoves us to at least ask it.
Solemnity of Assumption, Thursday 15th August:
Mass in Clara: 10.00am.
Mass in Horseleap: 7.30pm
Sr. Briege McKenna- author of Miracles Do Happen and The Power of the Sacraments– embarks on a nationwide tour. Join Sr. Briege for a transformative experience to renew your faith and deepen your personal inspiration, from 19th to 23rd of August at St Patrick’s College, Maynooth. Registration required on:
Antoinette Geoghegan thanks everyone who supported her recent Down Syndrome Ice Cream Party. €1,720 was raised for the charity to continue their amazing work nationwide.
Pilgrimage to Lisieux 2024. Friday 27th September – Tuesday 1st October. Spiritual Director: Rev Fr. Simon Nolan O.Carm Provincial. Contact Marcie Sweeney Duggan on (085) 888 7549 for further information.
Collections for 3rd/4th August:
Development Fund: €1,175; Plate: €605; Offerings: €330.
Thank You!