Parish Newsletter- 25th August 2024

Jesus preaching to his followers.
Mass times for the week aheadMASS INTENTIONS
Saturday 24th August @7.00pm
Kevin, Maeve, Kieran & Baby Adrian Coyne.
Joe, Annie, Joe & Edel Grennan.
Sunday 25th August @10.00am
Pat Gleeson. Patrick, Alice & deceased of the Reilly family.
Sunday 25th August @11.30am
Johnny & Mary Frances Colgan. Richie Recks. Christy & Gretta Collins.
Tuesday 27th August @7.30pm
St. Monica
No Intention.
Wednesday 28th August @7.30pm
St. Augustine
John Phelan.
Thursday 29th August @10.00am
The Death of St. John the Baptist
No Intention.
Friday 30th August @10.00am
St. Fiacre
No Intention.
Saturday 31st August @10.00am
St. Aidan
No Intention.
Saturday 31st August @7.00pm
John & Imelda Sheridan. Paddy, Teresa, Stephen, Kevin & deceased of the Kelly family.
Sunday 1st September @10.00am
Jay & Anne Sheerin. Margaret & Paddy Kealy.
Sunday 1st September @11.30am
Sean & Maureen Doolan.

Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist
Monday & Friday – 5.00-6.00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday – after 7.30pm Mass to 9.00pm.
All are welcome!
Come to me all you who labour and are burdened. I will give you peace.

Please pray for the souls of Maura Dignam, New Road; for Peter Melia, Church View; and for Carmel Byrne, Silverdale: all recently deceased. R.I.P.

Who shall we go to? You are the Holy One of God
Pope Francis, in “The Joy of the Gospel“, talks about the Gospels being “a great stream of joy flowing to eternal life” and he asks what prevents us jumping into it? Each week in the Eucharistic Prayer, we say that we are “co-heirs to eternal life.” Co-heirs – do we believe that? When Jesus said, “I no longer call you servants, I call you friends” ‘Friends’ – do we believe that? And when Jesus said, “unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have no life in you” – Do we believe that? At the end of today’s Gospel, Peter looks into the face of Jesus and sees anguish, self-doubt, fear and sadness. “You do not want to leave too, do you?” he says to his apostles. We will never know what it was, but something in that question, or maybe in the face of Jesus, opened the heart of Peter and enabled him to answer for himself that ‘overwhelming’ question Jesus had asked him earlier: “And you, Peter, who do you say that I am?” Now Peter could answer, with utter conviction, “We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.” It was no longer just ‘belief’ or ‘faith’. Now he could say that ‘I KNOW’ that you are the Holy One of God. He had answered for himself the overwhelming question of the Gospel, and his answer was unshakable. Each one of us, at some point, must look into our hearts and let Jesus ask us that same ‘overwhelming question’ – “Who do you say that I am?” And we must answer it knowing that, once answered, there is no going back. Just like Peter, our answer will shape the rest of our lives. We do not know where our answer will lead us, but we do know that Jesus will be with us, physically and spiritually, really and truly, and if “we eat his flesh and drink his blood” we will have life in us – eternal life in us.

Reflection for Those who Received Leaving Cert Exam Results
Having received your exam results, May you feel the Love of God surround you. You are a wonderful creation of God, made of love, light and hope. God is with you, whether you are celebrating or feeling disappointed. May you never forget that You are worth infinitely more than whatever exam results received. Remember, there are many pathways to achieving Your dreams. As you take your next steps in life, may you always feel the love of God surround you. God’s love will always surround and support you wherever you go – May you also make that love known to others.

Clara Town Band: Due to the success of our recent open air recital, we will perform another on Monday 26th August, 7.15pm in The Square, Clara. All welcome.

Scoil Phroinsiais Naofa will re-open on Monday 2nd September.

Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024 on September 10th. All pilgrims accommodated in hotels and there are 4, 5 and 6 night options, with fares from €769. Info & booking from Tel. (01) 2410 800.

Pilgrimage to Lisieux 2024. Friday 27th September – Tuesday 1st October. Spiritual Director:  Rev Fr. Simon Nolan O.Carm Provincial. Contact Marcie Sweeney Duggan on (085) 888 7549 for further information.

Collections for 17th/18th August:
Development Fund: 995; Plate: 425; Offerings: 60.
Thank You!

Season of Creation runs from 1st September to 4th October.
Theme; “To Hope and Act with Creation”.


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