Parish Newsletter- Sunday 8th December 2024

The second candle on the Advent Wreath represents PEACE.  It is called the ‘Bethlehem Candle’ as a reminder of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem.

Mass times for the week aheadMASS INTENTIONS
Saturday 7th December @7.00pm
Sean & Bridget McCaffrey. Catherine & Kathleen Fox. Michael Henry & Mary T. White.
Sunday 8th December @10.00am
Matt & Elizabeth McGuinness. Maureen Mullen.
Lena & Patrick Hughes.
Sunday 8th December @11.30am
Pat, Kitty, John & Catherine Phelan. Patricia & Jim Flattery. Edward Grennan. PJ & Eileen Fleming.
Deceased of the Dempsey family.
Monday 9th December @10.00am
Feast of The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin.
Monday 9th December @7.30pm
Feast of The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin.
Tuesday 10th December @7.30pm
Barney & Tommy Boland. Claire Laureiro
Wednesday 11th December @7.30pm
Deceased Musicians of Clara. Jim, Bridie & Carmel Fleming.
Thursday 12th December @10.00am
St. Finnian
No Intention
Friday 13th December @10.00am
St. Lucy
No Intention
Saturday 14th December @10.00am
St. John of the Cross
John Buckley. John & Annie Dunne
Saturday 14th December @7.00pm
Paul Keegan. Charles & Bridget Hogan. Eileen Johnson
Sunday 15th December @10.00am
Michael & Kathleen Kelly. Eugene Lynam. Patricia Handibode. Ita & deceased of McGuinness family
Sunday 15th December @11.30am
Deceased of Clara GAA. Anne Berry. Michael Doorley. Michael Nestor. Johnny, Joseph, Cora & Claire Kelly. Maureen & Frank Sheeran. Tom McLoughlin

Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist
Monday & Friday – 5.00-6.00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday – after 7.30pm Mass to 9.00pm.
All are welcome!
Come and find peace in the Lord.

Please pray for the souls of Benny Egan, St. Patrick’s Tce.; for Ger Tracey, Lakeview; & for Angela Shiels (nee Coyne), Portarlington: all recently deceased. R.I.P.

The Voice of One Crying Out in the Wilderness…
In Today’s Gospel, the manner in which Luke identifies in detail the time when John the Baptist started his preaching shows that Luke regarded this as a historic moment. Perhaps you can recall particularly a significant moment in your life, an occasion when you felt called to a change of work, status, or lifestyle? John called people to give expression to their desire for a change of heart by a symbolic baptism in the Jordan. When have you found it helpful to symbolise your desire to change for the better by some symbolic gesture, e.g., burning a packet of cigarettes, sending a card, making a phone call. ‘A voice crying in the wilderness’ is sometimes taken to refer to a voice that is ignored. John was ‘the voice of one crying out in the wilderness’ – announcing confidently to those in the wilderness that they must not despair because God’s grace may come to them at any moment. Have you had the experience of being in the wilderness, feeling lost? From whom did you hear a voice that gave you hope? Pope Francis has issued a call to all of us to take part in the consultation process preparing for the recent Synod. What can you, and your faith community, do to make sure his call is answered??

Visit for a daily thought during Advent!

St. Vincent de Paul Fun Tractor Run, December 8th at 12.30pm Sharp. Assembling in Horseleap, and going via Tubber into Clara. To register text or WhatsApp 086 2318982 or email . We need your help to raise much needed funds for Educational Funding, Family, Fuel and Medical Services, Adult and older people services and much more.

Advent Retreat for Young Adults (18-40 yrs) Dalgan Park, Navan, 13-15th December. A prayerful preparation for Christmas! Cost: €160, and Students, a Donation. Contact Sr. Una (090) 648 1666, Michael (086) 245 3123 or email

Clara Musical Society present ‘The Magic of Christmas’ on Thursday 19th December at 8.00 pm in St Brigid’s Church, Clara.  Doors open at 7.30 pm.  Tickets  Adult €10, Child €5.  Tickets are available from any Committee member, online on, or on the door on the night.  Enjoy some Christmas songs to start the holiday season.

Holy and Loving God, in this season of grace filled longing, we await the coming of your Son and Saviour. In the midst of our busy world and our busy lives, we need your help to remind us of what is important and necessary. Help us to understand that the ONE GIFT that will last, comes from You alone. Bless us, our family and friends and increase in us a growing urgency to celebrate the Birth of Your Son.

Collections for 30th November/1st December: Development Fund: €1,180; Plate: €6500; Offerings:€20. Thank You!


Photo by KaLisa Veer on Unsplash

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