Parish Newsletter- 15th December 2024

The pink candle, lit today on Gaudete Sunday, symbolizes a shift in tone within the Advent journey. The preceding weeks have been characterized by themes of hope, love, and anticipation. The lighting of the pink candle today introduces an element of rejoicing and exuberant expectation, emphasizing the imminent joy of the Nativity and the profound significance of the Incarnation.
Mass times for the week ahead | MASS INTENTIONS |
Saturday 14th December @7.00pm Clara | Paul Keegan. Charles & Bridget Hogan. Eileen Johnson. |
Sunday 15th December @10.00am Horseleap | Michael & Kathleen Kelly. Eugene Lynam. Patricia Handibode. Ita & deceased of McGuinness family. |
Sunday 15th December @11.30am Clara | Deceased of Clara GAA. Anne Berry. Michael Doorley. Michael Nestor. Johnny, Joseph, Cora & Claire Kelly. Maureen & Frank Sheeran. Tom McLoughlin |
Tuesday 17th December @7.30pm Clara | John & Marian Moran. Jimmy & Kitty Lowe. Sam, Eliazabeth & deceased of Rickard family |
Wednesday 18th December @7.30pm Clara | St. Flannan Johnny & Maisie Greham. Mina Flynn. PJ Hynes. Tom Molloy. Jim & Joe Newman. |
Thursday 19th December @10.00am Clara | No Intention. |
Friday 20th December @10.00am Clara | St. Fachnan No Intention. |
Saturday 21st December @10.00am Clara | St. Peter Canisius Henry, Annie, Michael & Jimmy Dunne. Nora Newman. Kathleen Broadbent. |
Saturday 21st December @7.00pm Clara | Johnny Carroll (Month’s Mind). Caitriona Carroll. Terry Daniels Andy, Una & Eileen Hennessy. Noel & Margaret O’Brien. |
Sunday 22nd December @10.00am Horseleap | Patrick, Sarah & deceased of Keegan family. |
Sunday 22nd December @11.30am Clara | Catch, Carmel & Marion Feehan. |
Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist
Monday & Friday – 5.00-6.00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday – after 7.30pm Mass to 9.00pm.
All are welcome!
Come and find peace in the Lord.
Please pray for the soul of Imelda Gibbins, Church Steet; and for Margaret Cunningham, The Green: both recently deceased. R.I.P.
Sacrament of God’s Forgiveness will take place at all Masses next weekend.
Someone is Coming who will Baptise You with the Holy Spirit and fire!
Today’s Gospel asks, ‘What should we do?’ The common thread in John’s answers was to encourage his questioners to be other-centred rather than self-centred, each in the context of their own circumstances. John told the people in a direct and honest way what they should do. The humility of John comes out in this passage, happy to acknowledge that he only had a minor role to play in relation to the Messiah. At the same time, he was enthused by his mission to ‘proclaim the good news to the people’. John was humble enough to recognise that the one coming after him was greater than he was. He let go of his own images of God to point us to Jesus. Today, maybe John the Baptist calls us to do the same as he did; to let go of our own false Gods and say that the one born in that stable is “more powerful than I am, the straps of his sandals I am not worthy to untie.” When we do this, we can look at this child in a new way and we can, through him rather than through ourselves, see the true face of God. How wonderful it would be to do this…
Visit for a daily thought during Advent!
Meath Diocesan Choir will celebrate its 25th anniversary with a Carol Service in St. Patrick’s Church, Trim, today, Sunday 15th of December at 6.00pm. Admission is free.
Horseleap N.S. present their Christmas show ‘Silent Night’ in Horseleap Church at 7.00pm on Wednesday 18th of December. The show tells how the famous hymn ‘Silent Night’ came to be written. All welcome.
Clara Musical Society present ‘The Magic of Christmas’ on Thursday 19th December at 8.00 pm in St Brigid’s Church, Clara. Doors open at 7.30 pm. Tickets Adult €10, Child €5. Tickets are available from any Committee member, online on, or on the door on the night. Enjoy some Christmas songs to start the holiday season.
The Church of Ireland will hold a Christmas Carol Service Sunday 22nd December at 7.30pm. All Welcome!
‘Come and See’ at the Church of the Assumption, Tullamore, on Sunday 22nd of December from 3.00pm to 6.00pm. All are welcome.
Holy and Loving God, in this season of grace filled longing, we await the coming of your Son and Saviour. In the midst of our busy world and our busy lives, we need your help to remind us of what is important and necessary. Help us to understand that the ONE GIFT that will last, comes from You alone. Bless us, our family and friends and increase in us a growing urgency to celebrate the Birth of Your Son.
Collections for 7th/8th December: Development Fund: €1,390; Plate: €630; Offerings:€70. Thank You!
Photo by KaLisa Veer on Unsplash