Parish Newsletter- 18th January 2025

Mass times for the week aheadMASS INTENTIONS
Saturday 18th January @7.00pm
Sean & Trudy Cushen. Michael Quinn
Sunday 19th January @10.00am
Willie Maxwell (Month’s Mind). Wilma, Josephine & Patrick Colgan. Willie & Cecelia Lynam.
Sunday 19th January @11.30am
Brian & Jenny Finlay. Brendan Egan. Everleigh Gaughran.
Tuesday 21st January @7.30pm
St. Agnes
Deceased of Brady, Dillane, Hyland & Waker families.
Wednesday 22nd January @7.30pm
St. Vincent
Patrick & Mary Feehan.
Thursday 23rd January @10.00am
Michael Sheridan.
Friday 24th January @10.00am
St. Francis de Sales
No Intention.
Saturday 25th January @10.00am
Conversion of St. Paul
No Intention.
Saturday 25th January @7.00pm
Una Hennessy. Kathleen Malone
Sunday 26th January @10.00am
Julia Hennessy. Mick & deceased of Clavin family
Sunday 26th January @11.30am
Michael & Aggie Mullen. Agnes Hynes. Dolly Fitzsimons. Rose, Farrell, Joseph, Margaret & Lillian Nicholson.

Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist
Monday & Friday – 5.00-6.00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday – after 7.30pm Mass to 9.00pm.
All are welcome!
Come and find peace in the Lord.

Please pray for the soul of Kieran Stones, Kilbride; and for Martin Moran, Horseleap/Manchester: both recently deceased. R.I.P.

‘My hour has not come yet’ – ‘Do whatever he tells you’
In Today’s Gospel, the ‘Wedding at Cana’ tells us of Jesus’s first miracle, or as John calls it, his first ‘sign’. We can read it just as that; an account of the event which began the public ministry of Jesus, or we can see it, as John clearly intends us to see it, as the story of our eternal God, who loved us from the beginning of time, came among us to show us the depth of that love; who was prepared to die for us, before rising again in triumph, to restore us as God’s children, God’s ‘sons and daughters in whom he is well pleased.’ Who would have thought that this Gospel of Jesus turning water into wine could be an invitation to ponder the wonder and magnificence of everything God has done for us since the beginning of times.

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity takes place from 18th-25th January.
Lord Jesus, who prayed that we might all be one, we pray to you for the unity of Christians, according to your will, according to your means.
May your Spirit enable us to experience the suffering caused by division,
to see our sin and to hope beyond all hope. Amen.

Young Adults 18-40 yrs: A new Year Retreat for you! Saturday 18th January, 9.45am – 5.00pm in Dalgan Park, Navan. Take time out to explore how God may be calling you! Testimonies from Married Life, Priesthood, Single Life, Religious Life, Holy Mass, Adoration, personal help if desired. Cost: Donation. Contact: Michael (086) 245 3123 or Sr Una (090) 648 1666 or email;

Clara Tidy Towns is hosting its Annual WEEE Collection on Saturday 25th January in the grounds of Clara GAA at Kilcoursey from 10.00am to 4.00pm. The collection is FREE and any old electrical item including old batteries can be dropped in to the collection point. RECYCLING is good for You and good for Clara!

On Sunday, January 26th at 4.00pm, there will be a celebration of Evening Prayer in the Cathedral in Mullingar with the religious, the priests, sisters and brothers of the diocese. The Church celebrates religious life on the Feast of the Presentation. Come join with the Cathedral and Diocesan Choir as we mark the contribution of religious to our diocese.

The Offaly Camino Canal Way Walk and Mass from Fiona Pender Memorial at 9.00am along the Canal to Croghan Hill on St. Brigid’s Bank Holiday ,Saturday 1st of February. All welcome in any capacity or distance to join us at Holy Mass on Croghan Hill @2.30pm. Looking for people to help raise funds for Self Help Africa. Info and sponsor cards from Laz Molloy on (086) 677 8807; Ricey Scully (086) 815 3047; Nora Kavanagh on (087) 994 5964; Ronan Scully on (087) 618 9094. or email

Meath Diocesan Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome: 22 – 27 September 2025. Bookings and Enquiries: Mullingar Travel on 044 9340587 or

Collections 11th/12th January: Development Fund: €1,125; Plate: €930; Offerings: €255.
Thank You Very Much!


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