Parish Newsletter- 26th January 2025

Mass times for the week aheadMASS INTENTIONS
Saturday 25th January @7.00pm
Una Hennessy. Kathleen Malone
Sunday 26th January @10.00am
Julia Hennessy. Mick & deceased of Clavin family
Sunday 26th January @11.30am
Michael & Aggie Mullen. Agnes Hynes. Dolly Fitzsimons. Rose, Farrell, Joseph, Margaret & Lillian Nicholson.
Tuesday 28th January @7.30pm
St. Thomas Aquinas
Tom Kinahan.
Wednesday 29th January @7.30pm
Deceased of the Coyne & Flanagan families. Bob & Maura Shirley. Anne, Angela, Sheila & Monica Gavin.
Thursday 30th January @10.00am
St. Aidan
No Intention.
Friday 31st January @10.00am
St. John Bosco
No Intention.
Saturday 1st February @10.00am
St. Brigid’s Day.
Patron of Ireland.
Saturday 1st February @7.00pm
For the Intentions of all the People of our Parish.
Sunday 2nd February @10.00am
Monica Scally. John & deceased of Hickey family
Sunday 2nd February @11.30am
Aidan O’Reilly. Michael Sheridan.

Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist
Monday & Friday – 5.00-6.00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday – after 7.30pm Mass to 9.00pm.
All are welcome!
Come and find peace in the Lord.

Please pray for the soul of Alice McCormack, Lake View; recently deceased. R.I.P.

‘This text is being fulfilled today even as you listen.’
In today’s Gospel, we see that even at the start of Jesus’ ministry, his way forward was clear. He would champion the poor, the sinners, the prostitutes and tax collectors, those with leprosy and those shunned by others. It is surely important for us to note that in the years ahead, despite criticism, intimidation, threats and finally death, he never for a moment deviated from the message he taught on that Sabbath in Nazareth. This, too, is our call; it is the call to authenticity; the call to think before we speak and when we do speak to match our words with actions. In Jesus there is no shadow of falseness, no hint of pride or conceit. Jesus shows us what it is like to be fully human; to be the people God created us to be. The Kingdom of God will be complete, and Jesus’ mission finally accomplished, when all people have become the people we were created to be. St Paul ended his first letter to the Corinthians with the ancient Aramaic word, “Maranatha” which means “Come, Lord Jesus.”

Prayer to St. Brigid.
You were a woman of Peace. You brought harmony where there was conflict. You brought light to the darkness. You brought hope to the downcast. May the mantle of your peace cover those who are troubled and anxious, and may Peace be firmly rooted in our hearts and in our world. Inspire us to act justly and to reverence all God has made. Brigid you were a voice for the wounded and the weary. Strengthen what is weak within us. Calm us into a quietness that heals and listens.

Today, Sunday, January 26th at 4.00pm, there will be a celebration of Evening Prayer in the Cathedral in Mullingar with the religious, the priests, sisters and brothers of the diocese. The Church celebrates religious life on the Feast of the Presentation. Come join with the Cathedral and Diocesan Choir as we mark the contribution of religious to our diocese.

St. Brigid’s Day celebration Sunday 2nd February. Short prayer service after 11.30am Mass. Procession via St. Brigid’s Church of Ireland, with short prayer service. Procession will conclude with ecumenical prayers at Kilbride Cemetery. Refreshments served by Clara Heritage Society. All welcome.

The Offaly Camino Canal Way Walk and Mass from Fiona Pender Memorial at 9.00am along the Canal to Croghan Hill on St. Brigid’s Bank Holiday Saturday, 1st of February. All welcome in any capacity or distance to join us at Holy Mass on Croghan Hill @2.30pm. Looking for people to help raise funds for Self Help Africa. Info and sponsor cards from Laz Molloy on (086) 677 8807; Ricey Scully (086) 815 3047; Nora Kavanagh on (087) 994 5964; Ronan Scully on (087) 618 9094. or email

Meath Diocesan Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome: 22 – 27 September 2025. Bookings and Enquiries: Mullingar Travel on 044 9340587 or

Collections 18th/19th January: Development Fund: €1,305; Plate: €1,010; Offerings: €355.
Thank You Very Much!


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