Parish Newsletter- 2nd February 2025

Mass times for the week aheadMASS INTENTIONS
Saturday 1st February @7.00pm
Theresa Purcell.
Sunday 2nd February @10.00am
Monica Scally. John & deceased of Hickey family
Sunday 2nd February @11.30am
Aidan O’Reilly. Michael Sheridan.
Tuesday 4th February @7.30pm
No Intention.
Wednesday 5th February @7.30pm
St. Agatha
Christy Egan. Jack & Mary Grennan & deceased of Grennan & Hogan families.
Thursday 6th February @10.00am
Ss. Paul Miki & Companions
Josephine Mangan. Joseph & Eileen O’Connor
Friday 7th February @10.00am
St. Mel
Mass for All on the Parish List of the Dead.
Saturday 8th February @10.00am
St. Josephine Bakhita
No Intention.
Saturday 8th February @7.00pm
Patrick & Maggie Anne Berry. Pat Wood.
Joseph & deceased of Mannion family.
Sunday 9th February @10.00am
Michael Pettit.
Sunday 9th February @11.30am
Dan & Josie Smith. Pat Cunningham.
Mary & John Troy. Tommy & John Mooney.

Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist
Monday & Friday – 5.00-6.00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday – after 7.30pm Mass to 9.00pm.
All are welcome!
Come and find peace in the Lord.

Please pray for the soul of Sheila Dunne, Dublin/Clara; recently deceased. R.I.P.

God’s Promises Are Worth The Wait…
In today’s Gospel, the story of Simeon and Anna is a profound testament to the beauty of faithful waiting and hope fulfilled. It unfolds in the temple of Jerusalem, where Mary and Joseph bring the infant Jesus to present Him to the Lord, according to the Law of Moses. In this sacred moment, we encounter two elderly servants of God—Simeon and Anna, whose lives were marked by unwavering faith and devotion. For both Simeon and Anna, their long years of waiting culminate in a single moment of seeing Jesus. In Him, they recognize the fulfilment of God’s plan for salvation. Their joy is not rooted in earthly achievements or possessions but in the presence of the Saviour. This teaches us that true fulfilment is found in Christ. When we focus on Him, we discover a peace and joy that transcends our circumstances. Simeon’s words also remind us that Jesus is the hope of the world. He declares that Jesus is “a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel” Jesus is the Saviour for all people, bringing light to those in darkness and redemption to those in need. The stories of Simeon and Anna encourage us to remain faithful in our waiting, devoted in our worship, and hopeful in our trust in God. Whatever season of life you are in, hold on to His promises and fix your eyes on Jesus. He is the fulfilment of all our longings and the source of eternal joy.
Like Simeon and Anna, may we live with expectant hearts, ready to see God’s faithfulness unfold in His perfect time.

REMINDER: Sincere thanks to those Parishioners who have already returned their Tax Reclaim Certificates.  We would appreciate anyone who has overlooked returning their competed Cert, to return it as soon as possible.

St. Brigid’s Day celebration Sunday 2nd February. Short prayer service after 11.30am Mass. Procession via St. Brigid’s Church of Ireland, with short prayer service. Procession will conclude with ecumenical prayers at Kilbride Cemetery. Refreshments served by Clara Heritage Society. All welcome.

Annual Mass of Remembrance will be held on Wednesday, 5th February 2025 at 2.00pm in St. Paul’s Church, Delvin Road, Mullingar, in memory of people buried in St. Loman’s Hospital Cemetery from 1907 to 1970 and to remember deceased patients and staff. Mass will also be livestreamed on

Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to the Shrines of France 21st – 28th May. Taking pilgrims to Ars-sur-Formans, Paray-le-Monial, Nevers, Lisieux, Tours and Paris. Costs for 7 nights €1,339 pp. Limited places available. Info @ (01) 241 0800 or email:

Jubilee of Youth, Rome, 28th July – 3rd August 2025: Young people (18+) of the Diocese of Meath invited to join with others from around the world for a Big event with Pope Francis. As Pilgrims of Hope we will share a week of scheduled events culminating with the Papal Mass for over a million young Catholics! Cost €750 approx. including flights and accommodation. For info contact the Parish Office or see

Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes “With Mary Pilgrims of Hope” 2025 Jubilee Year, will travel on 9th September. Pilgrims may choose between a 4- or a 5-night stay. Fares begin at €829 for full board. Booking forms from Joe Walsh Tours. For further inquiries contact (01) 241 0800 or visit their website

Collections 25th/26th January: Development Fund: €1,485; Plate: €495; Offerings: €500.
Thank You Very Much!


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