Parish Newsletter- 28th January 2024

Mass times for the week aheadMASS INTENTIONS
Saturday 27th January @7.00pm
Kathleen Malone. Tom Kinahan. Prin Dignan. Eddie Mitchell.
Sunday 28th January @10.00am
Julia Hennessy. Elizabeth Gaynor. Mick & deceased of the Clavin family
Sunday 28th January @11.30am
Michael & Aggie Mullen. Rose, Farrell, Margaret, Lillian & Joseph Nicholson.
Tuesday 30th January @7.30pm
St. Aidan
No Intention
Wednesday 31st January @7.30pm
St. John Bosco
No Intention
Thursday 1st February @10.00am
St. Brigid’s Day, Patron of Ireland.
No Intention. Blessing with Relic of St. Brigid
Friday 2nd February @10.00am
Presentation of the Lord; Blessing of Candles.
All on the List of the Dead.
Saturday 3rd February @10.00am
St. Blaise
No Intention. Blessing of Throats
Saturday 3rd February @7.00pm
Patrick & Maggie Ann Berry. Pat Wood. Patrick O’Brien
Sunday 4th February @10.00am
Monica Scally. Patrick, Ellen, Peter, Tommy & Noreen Brennan.
Sunday 4th February @11.30am
Tom, Norrie, John & Peg Duffin

Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist
Come to me all you who labour and are burdened. I will give you peace
Monday & Friday – 5.00-6.00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday – after 7.30pm Mass.
All are welcome!

Prayer to St. Brigid.
You were a woman of Peace. You brought harmony where there was conflict. You brought light to the darkness. You brought hope to the downcast. May the mantle of your peace cover those who are troubled and anxious, and may Peace be firmly rooted in our hearts and in our world. Inspire us to act justly and to reverence all God has made. Brigid, you were a voice for the wounded and the weary. Strengthen what is weak within us. Calm us into a quietness that heals and listens. Amen.

Who is this Man?
Today’s Gospel is hugely important because in it, we meet the ordinary men and women who went to listen to Jesus. These people were not necessarily his followers. However, it is clear that they noticed something about the way Jesus taught and spoke that was ‘unusual’ – certainly unusual enough for them to comment to one another about it. They refer to what they noticed as ‘authority’. It “amazes” them so much that they think they are hearing a “new teaching”. These ordinary men and women listening to Jesus are not talking to one another about the content of his message. What they are noticing is something about the man himself. They can’t quite put their finger on it, but he is not like others who teach and preach the word of God “Who is this man…” they ask, “who speaks with an authority greater even than their own leaders and priests?” So often in the Gospels, we find ourselves returning again and again to the person of Jesus rather than some abstract message he teaches. Their question to one another is, “who is this man” rather than “what is he saying.” In itself this is important, but there is another step we must take, a vital step which leads us into the hidden life of God. It is a journey we can make only through, with and in the person of Jesus. As we say each time we celebrate the Eucharist, ‘through him, with him and in him’. When God and Jesus come again, what will their coming look like? Will their authority be made visible in power, judgement, punishment or will their authority be made visible in forgiveness, service, humility, tolerance, friendship and peace? The danger is always that the Kingdom of God is with us and we don’t recognise it because we are looking for something else or we are expecting something else…

St. Brigid’s Credit Union 56th AGM: Monday 29th January @ 8.00pm in Scouts Den. Free Draw for those in Attendance and refreshments provided. All members welcome.

This Sunday, January 28th, the Priests and Religious of the Diocese will gather with Bishop Deenihan to celebrate the Blessing of Candles and Evening Prayer in the Cathedral of Christ the King at 4.00pm. All welcome! This celebration will also mark the 40th anniversary of Bishop Smith’s Ordination as Bishop of Meath. God grant him continued good health!

Clara Heritage Society, with St. Brigid’s Parishes of Clara invite all to a celebration, in honour of St. Brigid, on Sunday 4th February @ 12:15pm. Commencing at the Catholic Church after 11:30 Mass with prayers followed by procession across the Fair Green to COI Church for a blessing. Proceeding with a candlelit singing procession to Kilbride Abbey, for music, time for reflection, refreshments, chat, and a chance to meander through the ancient burial grounds. Those who are unable to walk in the procession are welcome to join us at Kilbride Abbey for the celebrations.

Clara Heritage Society, with St. Brigid’s Parishes of Clara invite all to an ecumenical celebration, in honour of St. Brigid, the patron Saint of Clara, on Sunday 4th February @ 12:15pm. Commencing at St. Brigid’s Catholic Church after 11:30 Mass. There will be prayers followed by procession across the Fair Green to St. Brigid’s COI Church for a blessing. The procession will then proceed to Kilbride Abbey, where there will be music, time for reflection, refreshments, chat, and the opportunity to meander through the ancient burial grounds. The journey to the Abbey will consist of a candlelit singing procession, those who are unable to walk in the procession are welcome to join us at Kilbride Abbey for the celebrations.

The Offaly Camino Canal Way Walk and Mass from Tullamore’s Fiona Pender Memorial Way commencing at 9.00am along the Canal to Croghan Hill on St. Brigid’s Bank Holiday, Sunday 4th February. Mass on Croghan Hill @ 2.00pm. Everyone welcome in any capacity or distance to join us at Holy Mass at Croghan Hill. We are looking for people to help raise much needed funds for Self Help Africa. More info and sponsorship cards from Laz Molloy on (086) 677 8807, Ricey Scully (086) 815 3047 or Nora Kavanagh on (087)994 5964, Ronan Scully on (087) 618 9094, or email

Scoil Phroinsiais Naofa Clara have commenced enrolments for the 2024/25 school year. Please use the link on the school website

Dates for Your Diary!
Confirmation: Tuesday 9th April
First Holy Communion: Boys School, Clara – Sunday 5th May
Girls School, Clara – Sunday 19th May
Horseleap & Streamstown Schools – Sunday 26th May
Blessings of Graves in Clara & HorseleapSunday 2nd June.

Collections for 20th/21st January:
Plate: €855; Development Fund: €1,230; Christmas Offerings: €20.
Thank You!


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