Parish Newsletter- 26th May 2024

Mass times for the week aheadMASS INTENTIONS
Saturday 25th May @7.00pm
Billy Maher (Month’s Mind). Joe Minnock. Larry Bracken. Bernie Kavanagh
Sunday 26th May @10.00am
Seamus & Deceased of the Robbins family. Peter, Kathleen, Peter & Mary Agnes Naughton.
John & May Pettit.
Sunday 26th May @11.30am
Mary Robbins (Month’s Mind)
Tuesday 28th May @7.30pm
Frank Scanlon. Special Intention
Wednesday 29th May @7.30pm
No Intention
Thursday 30th May @10.00am
No Intention
Friday 31th May @10.00am
The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
No Intention
Saturday 01th June @10.00am
Marcella Flanagan
Saturday 01th June @7.00pm
Special Intention
Sunday 02th June @10.00am
All who are buried in Horseleap Cemetery.
 Jack Farrel. Joe Daly
(Month’s Mind)
Sunday 02th June @11.30am

All who are buried in Clara Cemetries.

 Joe & Theresa Stanley. Joe Slammon. Robbie McCormack. Sonny & Kathleen Tracy

Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist
Come to me all you who labour and are burdened. I will give you peace
Monday & Friday – 5.00-6.00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday – after 7.30pm Mass to 9.00pm.
All are welcome!

Loving Father bless all children, especially the Boys & Girls who receive Jesus in the Bread of Life in First Communion today. Amen.

Go and Make Disciples of All Nations…
In today’s Gospel, It is time for Jesus to return to his Father. He meets his disciples for the last time. His final words give them direction for their future. Perhaps you can recall such parting moments in your own life – leaving home, school, college, training, the death of a loved one. What was that like for you? Were there words spoken then that gave you direction for your future? Perhaps you can identify with Jesus in the story, when as a parent, teacher, or in some other way you sent someone on his/her way in life knowing you would not be with him or her as in the past. When did the way you parted help the other to make his, or her, own way in life? Jesus told his disciples that although he would not be with them as in the past, he would be with them in a new way right throughout their lives. Have there been times when you were reassured by the love and support of another even though she/he was not physically present with you? In parting with his disciples, Jesus gave them a mission for the future. Where, when, and how did you get a sense of the meaning and purpose of your own life? How does that sustain you now? Is there any way in which that purpose ties in with the mission given to the eleven to spread the Good News? Jesus promised to be with his disciples until the end of time. It is a promise he would fulfil through the gift of the Holy Spirit. That promise is also given to us. What helps you to be aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit with you on life’s journey?

Blessings of Graves will take place on Sunday 2nd June at 3.00pm in Clara & at 4.00pm in Horseleap

Clara Parish Volunteering Sunday on 25th/26th May. Place your gifts and talents at the service of our parish. We need singers, readers, Eucharistic Ministers, collectors, altar decorators, cleaners, youth ministry, etc.. Our parish can only live if people are involved for the good of all.

Fund Raising Concert in Aid of Motor Neuron Disease Association in Clara Parish, Sunday 26th May at 6.00pm. For Tickets  contact (087) 954 4943.

The Pray for Life Novena is an invitation to join thousands of people across Ireland to pray for the protection of human life, Thursday 23rd May to the Feast of the Visitation on Friday 31st May. Visit for the daily novena prayers and to sign up for Daily Reminders.

Life Spirit Seminar, Tullamore Parish for the next 4 weeks. Tuesday @ 6:30pm. Contact Tony Evans for details – (086) 190 1693.

YOUTH MEET & PRAYER GATHERING (+18 years) in St. Ultan’s Church, Bohermeen at 7:30pm Friday 7th June. An opportunity for young adults to join together for adoration, prayer, reflection & discussion assisted with the support and guidance of priests from the diocese and the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal. Share the invite and bring a friend or two. Contact Fr. Mark English for more info: .

Thank You to everyone who supported Elizabeth Fleming’s recent Alzheimer’s Tea Day which raised €1,905.

Dates for Your Diary!
Horseleap & Streamstown Schools – Sunday 26th May
Blessings of Graves in Clara & HorseleapSunday 2nd June.

Collections for 18th/19th May:
Development Fund: 2,235; Plate: 750; Offerings: 520; Trocaire:€135.
Thank You!


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