Parish Newsletter- 8th September 2024

Jesus touches a man's ear and tongue
Mass times for the week aheadMASS INTENTIONS
Saturday 7th September @7.00pm
Mary Duffy.
Sunday 8th September @10.00am
No Intention.
Sunday 8th September @11.30am
Sean & Maureen Doolan. Thomas, Annie, Paul & Dympna Berry. John Buckley. John Tierney. Tom, Molly, Rita, Kevin,
Fr. Jack and deceased of the Fallon family.
Tuesday 10th September @7.30pm
St. Peter Claver
No Intention
Wednesday 11th September @7.30pm
St. Emilian
Joe & Joan Deehan. Evelyn & Michael Rooney.
Thursday 12th September @10.00am
St. Ailbe
No Intention.
Friday 13th September @10.00am
St. John Chrysostom
No Intention
Saturday 14th September @10.00am
The Exaltation of The Holy Cross
Nellie & Mick Kelly.
Saturday 14th September @7.00pm
Paudge & Peg English & deceased of the English & Goode families. Olive & David McGrath. James Foley. Larry Hackett
Sunday 15th September @10.00am
Larry, Margaret & deceased of the Scally family.
Frank & Rita Moran
Sunday 15th September @11.30am
Joe, Mary, Joe, Des, Theresa & Catherine O’Keeffe.
Marie, Des & deceased of the Creagh family

Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist
Monday & Friday – 5.00-6.00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday – after 7.30pm Mass to 9.00pm.
All are welcome!
Come to me all you who labour and are burdened. I will give you peace.

Please pray for the soul of Olive Moran, Maynooth/Clara: recently deceased. R.I.P.

‘He makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak’
On a first reading, today’s Gospel seems to be a nice, simple, uncomplicated cure of a man who is deaf and almost dumb. A lot of the time we imagine the miracles and healings of Jesus being associated with his ‘power’ but in this miracle the very act of healing seems to take a toll on Jesus. It is as if Jesus is himself vulnerable as he reaches out to heal the man. There is a lot more than ‘power’ at work here. Alone with the man, Jesus sees and hears for himself the awful, absolute silence of the man’s world. Somehow it seems that Jesus entered into, immersed himself, in the man’s suffering, and it was in this immersion that Jesus was able to cure him. His deep sigh, almost a groan, and his cry of “Ephphatha – Be Opened!” was a cry of understanding as well as a command. The ‘deep sigh’ of Jesus in this Gospel is not the sigh of one who is distant from us. It is the sigh of one who is very close, near enough to understand, and have compassion; it is the sigh of one who can touch our deaf ears and our blind eyes and our dumb mouths and heal them. In some mysterious way, the deep sigh of Jesus and his cry, “Ephphatha – Be Opened!” was a cry for all humankind. “He who sees me, sees the Father” are words that sum up the very mission of Jesus on earth. If, in this week’s Gospel, we see a Jesus who is close to us, entering into our pain in order to heal it, then so too, in this Gospel, we encounter a God who is not distant from us or indifferent to our pain and suffering. Ours is a God who is with us every day, in all of our deafness and lack of speech and in our blindness and our paralysis and sin, and in all of it he “sighs deeply and cries Ephphatha – Be Opened”. We live today in a time of uncertainty and political and cultural volatility, and it is easy to become overwhelmed and lose hope. In these times, this Gospel can speak to us very powerfully. In Jesus, we have someone who “has done everything well, He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”

Come and join the ‘Big Clean Up’ after renovations of St. Brigid’s Church on Friday 13th September at 6.00pm!!

Blessed Carlo Acutis: Navan Parish recently announced the upcoming visit of the primary relic of Blessed Carlo from Assisi to St. Mary’s Church, Navan on Sunday 15th – Monday 16th September. There will be a Parish Novena on Sunday 8th September in preparation for this privileged moment, and for the intention that the young people of the Diocese will grow to love Christ in the Eucharist.

Meath Diocesan Spirituality Afternoon for Pioneers: Sunday 22nd September, Franciscan Abbey, Multyfarham from 2.00pm to 5.00pm.

Meath Diocesan Pioneer meeting: Tuesday 10th September at 8.00pm in Kilbeggan Parish Centre. All pioneers are encouraged to attend.

Meath Samuel Group: are hosting a guided spiritual formation programme for young adults (18-40 yrs) led by the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal. Information and to register, visit:

Collections for 31st August/1st September:
Development Fund: 1,370; Plate: 545; Offerings: 20.
Thank You!

Season of Creation runs from 1st September to 4th October.
Theme; “To Hope and Act with Creation”.


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