Parish Newsletter- 15th September 2024

Jesus pushes Peter aside, saying "Get behind me, Satan"

Mass times for the week ahead MASS INTENTIONS
Saturday 14th September @7.00pm
Paudge & Peg English & deceased of the English & Goode families. Olive & David McGrath. James Foley. Larry Hackett.
Sunday 15th September @10.00am
Larry, Margaret & deceased of the Scally family.
Frank & Rita Moran.
Sunday 15th September @11.30am
Joe, Mary, Joe, Des, Theresa & Catherine O’Keeffe.
Marie, Des & deceased of the Creagh family.
Tuesday 17th September @7.30pm
St. Hildegard of Bingen
Maria Flattery
Wednesday 18th September @7.30pm
St. Basilides
James, Nora, Desmond & Mary Margaret Dunne.
Jackie & Darren Devine.
Thursday 19th September @10.00am
St. Januarius
No Intention.
Friday 20th September @10.00am
St. Andrew Kim Taegon & Companions
No Intention
Saturday 21st September @10.00am
St. Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist
Aoife Doyle.
Saturday 21st September @7.00pm
Maura Dignam (Month’s Mind). Peter Melia (Month’s Mind).
Michael Malone. Kevin O’Rourke. Karl Walsh
Sunday 22nd September @10.00am
Dan & Rose Cummins
Sunday 22nd September @11.30am
No Intention

Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist
Monday & Friday – 5.00-6.00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday – after 7.30pm Mass to 9.00pm.
All are welcome!
Come to me all you who labour and are burdened. I will give you peace.

Please pray for the soul of Mary Rosney, Pullough/Clara; recently deceased. R.I.P.

The Son of Man is destined to suffer grievously!
This Sunday’s Gospel marks a turning point in Jesus’ ministry. From this moment on, Jesus speaks more and more about his mission ending in suffering and death, while around him opposition to his mission hardens and grows. It is always a mistake to imagine that Jesus always knew exactly who he was or that, from the start, he understood the implication of his mission to preach the Kingdom of God. If we believe that Jesus was ‘fully man’ then we accept that as he grew and worked his knowledge and self-awareness grew and developed. With development of any kind comes questions, doubts and fears, and the Gospels never shy away from acknowledging that Jesus had these. In his times of prayer and reflection, early in the mornings or when he ‘escaped’ alone into the hills, something was changing within him. His own relationship with the Father began to reveal a ‘Kingdom of God’ that looked very different to what was expected. His ‘new’ awareness was of a Kingdom marked by peace and forgiveness rather than judgement and punishment of enemies. His awareness was of a Kingdom where everyone was invited and everyone was equal, rather than a Kingdom centred on Jerusalem and Temple worship. His growing awareness was that the ‘Messiah’ was for the whole world – Jews, yes, but also Samaritans, gentiles, the poor, the sick, sinners, the excluded, the despised. It must have taken time, prayer and reflection, as well as fears, doubts and questions before he realised that the Kingdom he saw within himself was the true Kingdom of God and that he had no option but to preach it, and keep preaching it, come what may. As Jesus self-awareness grew and changed, he also began to see that what he was preaching – what he had no option but to preach – was putting him on a path of confrontation with the Pharisees and Jewish authorities. He knows that the authorities will reject his message, and he also knows that his relationship with the Father makes it impossible for him to compromise in any way the Kingdom being revealed by him. With this comes the growing realisation that it will have to end with his death. This is what he is trying to tell his disciples, and this is what they fail to see. The Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of the ‘Sermon on the Mount’ is counter cultural. It goes against everything the world holds as important – power, wealth, authority, entitlement, prosperity, riches and influence. The Kingdom of God is for the poor, the meek, the gentle, those who suffer, those who forgive, those who mourn, the downtrodden, the powerless. As Christians we are called to lives which witness to the resurrection, to the values of the Kingdom Jesus died to share with us.

Offaly Healthy Homes Project are launching our Lunch Club in your area on Wednesday 25th September from 12.30pm to 3.30pm in Scouts Hall, Clara. The Lunch club is open to all over 55 and provides a safe place for some good food where you can enjoy the company of friends and neighbours. For just €10 per person you will get to enjoy dinner and dessert, Tea/Coffee and some entertainment. Booking is essential; contact Shirley on (087) 217 5998 if you wish attend.

1st Anniversary Mass for Fr Hyacinth (Jimmy) Ennis OFM (Tullamore/Clara/South Africa) will be celebrated in St Brigid’s Church at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 25th September. All welcome!

Helping the Christians in The Holy Land: A missionary group from Bethlehem will be visiting our Parish on the 28th and 29th of September to briefly talk about the Holy Land and to sell religious articles such as Crucifixes, Rosary Beads, Plaques and Nativity Cribs made out of olive wood in Bethlehem to help and support the poor Christians families. All support would be greatly appreciated.

Collections for 7th/8th September:
Development Fund: 1,14o; Plate: 370; Offerings: 150.
Thank You!

Season of Creation runs from 1st September to 4th October.
Theme; “To Hope and Act with Creation”.


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