Parish Newsletter- 6th October 2024

Mass times for the week aheadMASS INTENTIONS
Saturday 5th October @7.00pm
Catch & Maeve Lowry. Agnes & Michael Costello.
Joshua Touhey
Sunday 6th October @10.00am
Eileen & Joe Johnson. Patrick, Brigid & Liam McGuinness. Deceased of the Coughlan family
Sunday 6th October @11.30am
For the People of the Parish. Lillian & Eamonn Fleming.
Tuesday 8th October @7.30pm
Peter, Bridgie & PJ Walsh
Wednesday 9th October @7.30pm
St. John Henry Newman
Thursday 10th October @10.00am
St. Daniel Comboni
Joe & Rose Dunne.
Friday 11th October @10.00am
St. John XXIII, St. Canice
No Intention.
Saturday 12th October @10.00am
Blessed Carlo Acutis
Andy Minnock.
Saturday 12th October @7.00pm
Baby Cree. Sadie & Peter Delaney.
Mary, Brigid & Davey McGrath. Michael & Bridgie Kelly
Sunday 13th October @10.00am
Kathleen Glennon. John, Margaret & deceased of McCormack family
Sunday 13th October @11.30am
Catch Berry

Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist
Monday & Friday – 5.00-6.00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday – after 7.30pm Mass to 9.00pm.
All are welcome!
Come and find peace in the Lord.

What God has united, let no one divide!
Questioning Jesus on marriage and divorce must have felt like an easy way to trap him. Today, as in Jesus’ day, marriage, divorce, remarriage are very emotive topics, with people taking sides and defending them vehemently in heated arguments and debates. No matter how he answered, they thought, he would alienate others. If Jesus had allowed himself to enter into their extremely narrow “this-is-allowed-and-this-isn’t” world view he would surely have been trapped, sinking into a smaller and smaller, ever more petty war of words. Firstly, he reminded them of their narrow-mindedness and intransigence, refusing to enter it himself. Then, beautifully, he held out to them the original intention of God for marriage, and quoted for them from the Book of Genesis, a vision of marriage that is truly beautiful and affirming. Instead of allowing himself to be drawn into a closed, vindictive argument, he showed them the wonder and beauty of a God who wants nothing other than that we love one another. This is the God we, too, are called to make known to our world. Our focus must be on a God who is Love; on Jesus, risen from the dead; and on the Holy Spirit who lives within each of us. The narrow black and white world sees only two possibilities for everything: Love or hate; darkness or light, hope or despair, injury or pardon, sadness or joy. The truth is that within us all there is love and hate; injury and pardon; doubt and faith; despair and hope; darkness and light; sadness and joy. This is the reality of our lives. The God Jesus had come to know was a personal, loving, close and gentle God. The Kingdom he revealed to us was a Kingdom of peace, tolerance and compassion. Everything he said and did bore witness to that God. When faced with negativity and narrow-mindedness, he spoke of openness and hope. We, too, are called to witness to hope in our world. Just as Jesus was surrounded by people seeking to subvert his message, so too we are surrounded by people and situations which test and challenge us. We are called to be a people of hope and joy, and people of the Resurrection of Jesus.

The Annual General Meeting of Clara Community Swimming Pool takes place on Tuesday 15th October at 7:30pm sharp, in Clara Family Resource Centre. All are welcome to attend.

Retreat for Young Adults (18- 40 years), Dalgan Park, Navan, 18th -20th (Friday evening -Sunday afternoon). ‘Cry out with joy to the Lord, serve the Lord with gladness!’ An opportunity to join with other young people in prayer. Cost: €160 (students, a donation) full board. Contact: Sr Úna (090) 648 1666 &

Horseleap N.S. Open Day and Coffee Morning: Parents of Children starting school in September 2025 & 2026 are invited to an Open Day and Coffee Morning in Horseleap N.S. on Saturday 19th October, 11.00am-1.00pm. Come & meet the teachers and play in our beautiful outdoor facilities. Refreshments will be provided. All Welcome!

October and World Mission Sunday is a time for the Faithful of the World to support and pray for the work of overseas Missionaries. Please donate €4 by texting the word ‘Mission’ to 50300. Alternatively, donate at or call Missio Ireland on (01) 497 2035. To learn more go to

Offaly County Childcare Committee is delivering the Childminding Pre-Registration Training, which is a mandatory, free training course for anyone who intends to register with Tusla as a childminder. To register your interest, please contact Darina on (085) 170 3772 or at

Looking to brush up on your Irish? Classes start on 16th October at 8:00 pm, at Áras an Mhuilinn, Mullingar. Give us a ring at (044) 934 4673.

Collections for 28th/29th September:
Development Fund: 1,425; Plate: 600; Offerings: 90.
Thank You!

Season of Creation runs from 1st September to 4th October.
Theme; “To Hope and Act with Creation”.


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