Parish Newsletter- 13th October 2024

Mass times for the week aheadMASS INTENTIONS
Saturday 12th October @7.00pm
Baby Cree. Sadie & Peter Delaney.
Mary, Brigid & Davey McGrath. Michael & Bridgie Kelly
Sunday 13th October @10.00am
Kathleen Glennon.
John, Margaret & deceased of McCormack family
Sunday 13th October @11.30am
Catch Berry.
Tuesday 15th October @7.30pm
St. Teresa of Avila
Darren Fagan. Joe & May Kennedy
Wednesday 16th October @7.30pm
St. Hedwig
John & Joan Coyne.
Thursday 17th October @10.00am
St. Ignatius of Antioch
No Intention.
Friday 18th October @10.00am
St. Luke, Evangelist
No Intention.
Saturday 19th October @10.00am
Betty & Barney Doorley & deceased of Doorley & Sullivan families.
Saturday 19th October @7.00pm
Vincent & Maeve Weir.
Sunday 20th October @10.00am
Deceased of the Moran & Harrington families.
Sunday 20th October @11.30am
Paddy Rabbitte & the deceased of the Rabbitte Family. George Digan.

Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist
Monday & Friday – 5.00-6.00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday – after 7.30pm Mass to 9.00pm.
All are welcome!
Come and find peace in the Lord.

Give Everything You Own to the Poor, and Follow Me!
Today’s Gospel is a wonderful illustration of the extraordinary wisdom of Jesus. The message of Jesus to the young man in the Gospel, his warning to his disciples and his insight into human psychology is timeless and as valid now as it was two thousand years ago. The young man in this Gospel is clearly a good living, observant Jewish man who is serious about his commitment to the Law of Moses. Then at some point he has heard Jesus speak and likes what he is saying about the Kingdom of God. Finally, he feels that maybe he, too, could join the movement and travel with Jesus. He gathers his courage and asks Jesus, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Something in the man’s demeanour convinced Jesus that his question was sincere, and there follows what is the most beautiful moment of the encounter: “Jesus looked at him and loved him.” There was something special about this man, some quality of character that Jesus recognised and with which he wanted to engage. How nice might it be to invite Jesus in prayer to ‘look at us’, as he looked at the man in this story. If we did this and allowed ourselves to look into Jesus’ eyes, we too would see that we are loved. It is true of the man in the Gospel that “Jesus looked at him and loved him”. It is also true of us. Jesus ‘looks at us and he loves us.’ Our entire spiritual journey is a movement towards recognising that Jesus truly looks at us and loves us. Having recognised it, we may experience it in our lives and bask in its wonder and awe. We might wonder what the man experienced in that look of Jesus. Did he see that he was loved? or special? or called? If the man went away sad, Jesus was sad too. This encounter with Jesus was real and deep. As the man finally turned away and left, it must have hurt and disappointed Jesus. Perhaps the strength of his warnings about wealth are coloured by this hurt. Ernest Hemingway said, “Fear of death increases in exact proportion to increase in wealth.” Perhaps this is what Jesus was warning us about? Fear, suspicion, isolation, arrogance, even violence, are too frequently the by-products of wealth. They are diametrically opposed to the values of the Kingdom. All of us most choose, every day, whether we are really the true disciples of Jesus or whether we must hang our heads and like the man in the Gospel also go away sad…

Next Sunday we will celebrate World Mission Sunday, the Holy Father’s annual appeal to support overseas Mission and Missionaries.

October and World Mission Sunday is a time for the Faithful of the World to support and pray for the work of overseas Missionaries. Please donate €4 by texting the word ‘Mission’ to 50300. Alternatively, donate at or call Missio Ireland on (01) 497 2035. To learn more go to

Bus to Mullingar: St. Bernadette’s Relics. Tuesday 22nd October; Clara Church @12:15, Tubber church @12:30, Horseleap church @12:45 Tyrrellspass Church @1.00pm for Mass & Anointing the sick @2.00pm. Fare:€5. Names to Fr. Seamus and/or Fr. Luke.

An Ecumenical Commemoration will be held in Kilcromeen Cillín (Sheridan’s Field – R35 P8R9) New Road, on Tuesday 15th October to mark ‘Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day’. Event will start at 6:30pm with candle lighting at 7.00pm. Everyone welcome.

The Annual General Meeting of Clara Tidy Towns takes place on Tuesday 22nd October at 7:30pm sharp at Clara Family Resource Centre and all are welcome to attend. New committee members and/or volunteers are needed to ensure that Tidy Towns can continue to make improvements in your town in 2025.

Offaly Healthy Homes Lunch Club will take place on Tuesday 15th October from 12.30pm to 3.30pm in Scouts Hall, Clara. This Lunch Club is open to all over the age of 55 and provides you with a safe place for some good food where you can enjoy the company of your friends and neighbours. For just €10 per person you will get to enjoy a lovely dinner and dessert, Tea/Coffee and great entertainment. Booking is essential, please contact Shirley on (087) 217 5998 if you are interested in attending.

Schedule for the Visit of the Relics of St Bernadette to the Cathedral Mullingar, 21st–22nd October
Monday 21st October
2.00pm: Liturgy of Welcome to begin veneration of the relics.
7.00pm: Sung Evening Prayer with Candlelight Procession and Rosary.
Tuesday 22nd October
7:45am & 10.00am: Daily Masses, veneration of the relics throughout the day.
2.00pm: Mass with Anointing of the Sick.
7.00pm: Mass of Our Lady of Lourdes.

Collections for 5th/6th October:
Development Fund: 1,110; Plate: 600; Offerings: 1,540.
Thank You!


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